Transform Your Smile With Hammondville Dental’s Custom-Made Dentures

High-Quality Dentures Restore Oral Function And Smile Aesthetics

At Hammondville Dental, we custom-create high-quality dentures that fit perfectly and restore your ability to chew, speak and smile easily. They are comfortable, natural, highly durable, and perfect for anyone who has lost teeth due to advanced age, gum disease, tooth decay, injury, or other oral health issues.

With our custom-made dentures, you can enjoy a range of benefits, including improved oral health, better digestion, and enhanced facial structure.
We offer different types of dentures and work with you to find the best solution that meets your needs and budget so you experience the ultimate comfort and functionality.

What are the different types of dentures available?

Hammondville Dental offers partial, full, and implant-supported dentures to help patients regain oral function and restore their smiles.

Partial dentures are ideal for patients who need to replace one or more teeth but not an entire arch. They are typically made of a gum-coloured base material and prosthetic teeth attached to the base, held in place by clasps that wrap around neighbouring teeth for added stability.

Full dentures are a complete set of prosthetic teeth used to replace an entire upper or lower arch or both. They are typically made from acrylic and porcelain and rest directly on the gums, mimicking natural teeth.

With implant-supported dentures, small titanium posts are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for a custom-made removable denture to be attached to. This type of denture allows for better stability and function with less risk of slippage or discomfort.

Whether you need to replace one tooth or an entire arch, we can provide the highest quality care and services to help you achieve a bright, healthy smile.

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